I am talking about black and white photos, in which color is added to certain features. For example, they may accentuate blue eyes or pink cheeks. Or they may color accent a flower that the subject is holding. But the rest of the photo is still black and white.
Can I do this at home on my computer? I am using a Kodak digital camera...
Please any help will be appreciated!!
I want to put color accents on my black and white digital photos. How do I do this?
ah...i remember the days when we did it by hand with special markers, but now i use photoshop. i'm no expert, but i've done it two ways--taking color out of a photo and just leaving the pre-existing color in the area where i want it, and the other way is to take a photo that is already black and white and add "artificial" color with the paintbrush. i've had much better results with the first way. i'm self-taught on photoshop, so maybe this isn't the best way, but here is the basic process:
zoom in and draw your marching ants around the photo to select all of the negative space--that is, the portion of the photo that you do not want in color. when that is selected, choose desaturate from the menu and then you can adjust the saturation and tone of the color that is left.
that wasn't very detailed, but if you don't have photoshop i guess it's no help anyway. if you do, i can give you more detailed instructions. :-)
Reply:i dont know but i would love to know.
i always wonder how people do it.
Reply:Photoshop is the usual program used to do this... called selective coloring by the way.
Since you do not have the program, you are kind of out of luck, but I will go ahead and give you the procedure in case you can use it in the future or at another computer with photoshop.
As is true of many procedures in Photoshop, there are several ways of doing selective color. This is a quick and easy method.
First open your photo in PS of course.
Then go to Layer - Duplicate Layer
Click OK
Then go to Image - Adjustments - Hue / Saturation
Drag the Saturation slider all the way to the left to make the photo black and white.
Click OK
Then get the ERASER tool from the tool box on the left side of the screen. It is usually the next tool under the clone stamp tool. Just hover your mouse over the tool, and it will say Eraser.
When you have selected the Eraser, go up to the Brush options box at the top of the screen, and click on the downfacing arrow. Set the Hardness of the brush to 100% so you will have accurate control of selection. You may also need to raise or lower the brush size to suit.
Erase away any black and white from where you want the color to be revealed.
When done go to
Layer - Flatten Image
Then just do a Save As to wherever you want to save the photo.
hope this helps you
Reply:I'm not sure how to do it other than Photoshop which I've used before to do this. It's very easy with that program.
Programming software
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