Where can I find fake rose petals to put on a flower girl's dress?
In California we have Joanne's and Michaels; if you have either of these stores you will find what you need. You may also find the flowers at Walmart. Also, you may find them online. The dresses sound beautiful! Good luck.
Reply:Try Hobby Lobby, they have everything crafty. Or Micheal's, Ben Franklin
Reply:try wal*mart.
Reply:they usually sell those at craft stores/shops and here i have seen them in any gift shop since they use them to decorate your candle dish/bowls, else you could cut them out yourself out of some silk scarfs, haven't got a clue what the dress looks like so i am just giving you some ideas.
good luck
Reply:Micheals, they have everything
Reply:walmart. In the back near the crafts they have a wedding section as well as AC moore.
Reply:try your local craft shop or a dress making store they should sell things like that good luck...
Reply:Micheal's,Tall Mouse,craft stores or go on line and go to google.
Reply:check again im sure if it was in girls' they have the right sie for your girls you know 2 4 6 8 i0 I2 I4
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