
What kind of flower pot would be cool for this kind of person?

For an end-of-the-year gift for each of my teachers, I'm painting a flower pot. However, I have no clue what to paint on my Language Arts/Reading teacher's flower pot. I'll explain her and you can give me some ideas.

- She likes snowboarding and blading (in the winter.)

- She likes Jack Russels (she has one.)

- She likes the color green.

- She doesn't like flowery things or girly colors (pink, lavender, light blue.)

- She likes to play Scrabble (but she isn't absessed with it.)

- She's really funny.

- She likes gardening.

Those are the things I know about her. It's pretty sad I only know that much because she was my sixth grade teacher, my 7th grade Reading and Language Arts teacher, and my 8th grade Reading and language Arts teacher. I have three main teachers because at our school, we don't have a different teacher for each subject- there aren't enough classes and teachers for that, it's a Catholic School (there are ten people in my class, including me.)

It would be nice if anyone could give me ideas (pictures are also VERY HELPFUL!!!)

Thanks in advance!

What kind of flower pot would be cool for this kind of person?
What a wonderful idea. I loved Laura's idea of spelling something out in Scrabble letters. if you have these letters you could glue them on with a craft glue.

Maybe have an outdoor scene with different seasons, one being winter with a person on a snowboard, maybe spring with a Jack Russel with a gardening glove or shovel in his mouth..like he's running, summer could be her screaming "School's Out For Summer" (make her hair look kind of crazy or her hands waving or her dancing...show movement), fall could be an apple with "The Best Teacher Ever" on it...maybe that could be the Scrabble part.

If this seems hard you can always decoupage it. Decoupage is when you basically glue pictures, cut outs from magazines, buttons, little trinkets, Scrabble letters...anything on it and then put a thin layer of glue over it.

Good Luck!
Reply:I would paint scrabble letters that spell out positive and motivational words. Maybe even words that would motivate her as a teacher like education, learning, imagination. You could paint your background green if she likes the color.

By the way, very thoughtful gift for you teachers!
Reply:How about a few flowers with a green background?

