The Blue Bonnets are blooming here in Central Texas now. The peak here is mid to late April. After that the blooms die out they turn to seed. If you mow them early you'll not see them the following year. I never mow mine before late July. By then the plants are all down and and the seeds are off. There is no need to winter them indoors as the plant dies every year after it produces seed. New plants grow from seed in the spring IF there has been enough rain. When there is a bad drought you may not see Blue Bonnets or they may be very scarce. However the seeds can lie dormant for several years during an extended drought and bloom as wonderfully as ever the first year the spring rains are good. They have been very sparse for the last two or three years, but with the good rains we've had they are popping up all over this year. They're a welcome sight.
How long does the texas blue bonnet flower live?
Only one year, but they seed so beautifully that you get blooms year after year.
Reply:They will last till the weather gets hot. They should seed and come back every year.
Reply:It will live during warm weather periods. Spring through summer. It will return year after year.
Reply:It actually depends on your zone.
If you are zone 8 or hotter, they will come back every year. Zone 7 or colder, they die out and don't come back unless you winter them indoors.
Hubby is from Texas and HAD to have them in our Georgia landscaping. We will have to winter ours indoors.
As for the blooms, I am unsure of exactly when the blooming season begins and ends as this is our first year with them.